Friday, 22 February 2013

Stories The Left's MSM Won't Touch

Starting today, I plan to list news stories the socialist mainstream media don't want their consumers to know about.  Darkness is a comforting environment for mushrooms, you see!

THE UN's climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain's Met Office, but said it would need to last "30 to 40 years at least" to break the long-term global warming trend.
 Dr Pachauri, the chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate      Change, said that open discussion about controversial science and politically incorrect views was an essential part of tackling climate change.
I’ve scanned the leftist publications at the ABC Online and Fairfax Press but can find not one article to make a freedom of speech comparison between this Conference with the disruption (venue cancellations), harassment and violence meted out to Australian citizens wishing to attend speaking tours by that “far-right” Dutch Politician, Geert Wilders who, of course, was branded an extremist and vilified in print and on television.  At least this country can claim one investigative journalist in Andrew Bolt.  This article is well worth reading.

If Wilders is wrong, explain this conference


It may shock Fairfax and ABC journalists to learn the Victoria Police Fraud & Extortion Squad is conducting extensive investigation into the AWU “slush fund” scam and the possible implication of wrongdoing by a Slater & Gordon Partner at the time who was acting for the said AWU.  That partner is now Australia’s Prime Minister.  These media outlets obviously have an attitude that it’s not in the best interests of the public to report this matter.  Perhaps they are dutifully awaiting arrests before they make any attempt whatsoever to inform their consumers.  Thank goodness for Michael Smith.
It’s indeed comforting to know we have people of the calibre of Andrew Bolt and Michael Smith who actually have the intestinal fortitude to report the facts.  We know we cannot rely on the taxpayer-funded ABC or Fairfax Media, for the most part, to impartially impart the facts.
It’s no wonder Blogs have overtaken many mainstream media outlets.  It’s on Blogs where you find investigative journalism these days.
Memo to the ABC and Fairfax Media:  Turn the backhoes off and tell the drivers to go home.  Your holes are deep enough now!

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