Friday, 8 February 2013

Oh My Goodness, Dr. Karl!

I do declare you owe Andrew Bolt an apology as well as all your followers, don’t you think?

I blogged last December about Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki here.

Reblogged, in part from Andrew’s Blog.  Read the full post.

Doctor Karl Kruszelnicki presents science on the ABC. In 2007 he ran as a Senate candidate for the Climate Change Coalition.
So you expect him to know the very basic data about global warming. You expect him to make it his duty to at least know whether the planet is indeed warming, and if so by how much.
Then explain this exchange of tweets, which I am told Kruszelnicki deleted from his Twitter account. (They certainly aren’t there now.) 
Yes, I did write about these tweets in an update to my column yesterday, but the more I reflect on this the more I consider this a particularly egregious example of warmist know-nothingness. It is also a symbol of the giddy and irresponsible ignorance of so many of the noisier global warming prophets.
Dr Karl, debating the figures of Britain’s Met, asserts the world has warmed 0.3 degrees in 16 years - which still isn’t that much, actually.
But the Met’s figures, as tweeter Bill correctly informs him, actually show a warming just one-sixth of what Dr Karl claimed. That is so small that scientists say it’s statistically insignificant. It’s indistinguishable from background noise. Essentially zero.
As Andrew notes, if he had been so factually incorrect, he’s be hauled off to Re-education Camp via the Press Council.
Sometimes I do believe “group-think” can be very dangerous to the credibility of some public figures who follow the new religion of CAGW.

Dr. Karl makes frequent appearances on the balanced, unbiased ABC that tries to reject the accusation there is a group-think mentality within the public broadcaster.
Yesterday, we received news that the ABC would be receiving a $10 million funding increase to budget.  Some cynics may say that this is a typical example of ALP pork-barrelling.
Thanks to this massive injection of taxpayer funding, new senior appointments will be made.  One of them will be Jake Sturmer, Science & Technology.  I suggest we take note of this name and furnish Mr. Sturmer with appropriate correspondence whenever we see silly-billies running off at the mouth before they have had the chance to engage one of those fact-checkers the ABC appears on the cusp of utilizing. 
A fact-checker at the ABC would be something to behold!

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