Thursday, 28 February 2013

Dr. Karl's Credibility Splashes Into The Gutter

I seriously wonder what other scientific 'facts'  Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki has stuffed up during his regular ABC appearances?  I used to listen to this man and take as credible whatever Dr. Karl had to say.  Not any longer, I can assure you.  I have departed the lounge of the gullible.

Andrew Bolt is nailing this so-called Scientist to the wall and it’s not pretty and likely to end in tears –  those emanating from this once respected science commentator.

The global warming misinformation peddled on the ABC must cease and I support Mr. Bolt’s call to register complaints in relation to Karl Kruszelnicki’s latest bout of deliberate denial of the facts or, worse, his complete ineptitude, in relation to recent statements made on Brisbane ABC radio. 

How in the hell are people expected to be kept up to date with the changes and corrections to previously cited global warming data, if the ABC refuses to accurately cover the subject?

The ABC should know better.  Obviously, it has no intention to correct itself or its presenters.  To allow this so-called scientific expert to repeat ad-nauseam, misinformation is culpable conduct on behalf of the public broadcaster sponsored by the taxpayer.  The ABC may as well tear up its Code of Practice.  It’s not adhered to so the document is useless.

I cannot believe I am witnessing this.  The overall dumbing down and then the deliberate concealment of important and relevant information because it doesn’t gel with the group-think mentality rampant within the ABC.

If you had asked me ten years ago how I’d feel if the ABC was sold off, I would probably have reached behind the Ute seat and whipped out my rifle.  Ask me now and I will say ‘sell the Green/Labor mouthpiece off as soon as possible and save the taxpayer billions’.  Thank you, Dr. Karl – you’ve just reinforced my position.

When in government, the Coalition must bring this disgracefully biased media outlet to heel.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Wholly Owned Subsidiary Of The AWU!

Yes, siree, that’s our Sub-prime Minister, Julia Gillard!

IS there a more preposterous figure in Australian political life than Paul Howes? 

His performance at the Australian Workers Union conference on the Gold Coast last week was quite something to behold. 

In his final triumphant speech, the 31-year-old AWU leader accused anonymous Labor MPS of “underminding [sic] our Prime Minister, underminding [sic] the leadership of our movement and this country. What a bunch of gutless pr*cks they are.” 

Apart from the fruity language, he has coined a new word: “underminding”. He said it twice, just in case you didn’t get it the first time. 

Maybe it means not minding too much when the prime minister goofs up, as long as she takes care of her union mates. 

If he meant “undermining”, however, Howes and his AWU masters have done a pretty good job of that all by themselves, taking credit for unseating the democratically elected Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in the first place, and unashamedly displaying an unhealthy proprietorial claim over their hand-picked replacement Julia Gillard, who just happens to be caught up in an AWU scandal from her days as a union lawyer. 

Howes looked so pleased with himself as he ushered Gillard into the conference dinner, in front of the cameras, as if she were a trophy. 

He “had her back” he declared, and supports her 110 percent. Just what she needs, especially when union membership has sunk to 18 percent of the workforce. 

The union collectively rubbed its hands with glee. Look how powerful we are, right at the heart of power! There was Howes’ mentor Bill Ludwig out from the shadows to grab the PM’s manicured hand in his gnarled paw and hold it aloft. 

What an image. The Prime Minister paraded by Howes and Ludwig as if she were a wholly owned subsidiary of the AWU, in the week that polls show Labor’s primary vote has collapsed. 

With friends like Howes who needs an Opposition? 

It’s not hyper-bowl to say that if anyone appears to be “underminding” Labor it’s Howes and his beloved moo-ment.
To the high dungeon with him.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Stories The Left's MSM Won't Touch

Starting today, I plan to list news stories the socialist mainstream media don't want their consumers to know about.  Darkness is a comforting environment for mushrooms, you see!

THE UN's climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain's Met Office, but said it would need to last "30 to 40 years at least" to break the long-term global warming trend.
 Dr Pachauri, the chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate      Change, said that open discussion about controversial science and politically incorrect views was an essential part of tackling climate change.
I’ve scanned the leftist publications at the ABC Online and Fairfax Press but can find not one article to make a freedom of speech comparison between this Conference with the disruption (venue cancellations), harassment and violence meted out to Australian citizens wishing to attend speaking tours by that “far-right” Dutch Politician, Geert Wilders who, of course, was branded an extremist and vilified in print and on television.  At least this country can claim one investigative journalist in Andrew Bolt.  This article is well worth reading.

If Wilders is wrong, explain this conference


It may shock Fairfax and ABC journalists to learn the Victoria Police Fraud & Extortion Squad is conducting extensive investigation into the AWU “slush fund” scam and the possible implication of wrongdoing by a Slater & Gordon Partner at the time who was acting for the said AWU.  That partner is now Australia’s Prime Minister.  These media outlets obviously have an attitude that it’s not in the best interests of the public to report this matter.  Perhaps they are dutifully awaiting arrests before they make any attempt whatsoever to inform their consumers.  Thank goodness for Michael Smith.
It’s indeed comforting to know we have people of the calibre of Andrew Bolt and Michael Smith who actually have the intestinal fortitude to report the facts.  We know we cannot rely on the taxpayer-funded ABC or Fairfax Media, for the most part, to impartially impart the facts.
It’s no wonder Blogs have overtaken many mainstream media outlets.  It’s on Blogs where you find investigative journalism these days.
Memo to the ABC and Fairfax Media:  Turn the backhoes off and tell the drivers to go home.  Your holes are deep enough now!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

An ABC-Friendly Turnbull

I have a number of problems with the Member for Wentworth and Shadow Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull not least his fawning over the ABC.  I believe Malcolm is with the wrong Party.

Lateline’s Tony Jones interviewed Malcolm Turnbull on Thursday.

Here’s part of the transcript relating to the ABC discussion.

TONY JONES: OK, let's go to another area of your Communications portfolio. The Government gave the ABC a $10 million funding boost for its news and current affairs division last week. Do you support that?
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well I don't need to support it, but I welcome it.
TONY JONES: Do you endorse it? Do you think it's a good idea?
MALCOLM TURNBULL: I am a great supporter of the ABC. It is not entirely immaculate. It does have some flaws. Even you err on occasions, Tony. But the - smile! Lighten up! But seriously though, the ABC is more important than ever. The news media business, the newspaper business in particular, is under enormous threat and their business model is challenged, there are journalists losing their jobs all the time, newspapers may or may not be viable in a few years' time, so the importance, the role, the significance of the ABC's news and current affairs is more important than ever and that puts a very heavy burden on the ABC to maintain the highest standards of balance, of integrity.
And you know, as Jim Spigelman, your chairman, said the other day, and I thought it was a very, very, very keen insight, as you'd expect from Jim - he said that the ABC relates to its viewers and listeners not simply as consumers, as a commercial operation might, but as citizens.
So the ABC has a very, very heavy responsibility and Australians expect it to live up to that and of course the research indicates they have very high regard for this organisation.
TONY JONES: Now Jim Spigelman you mentioned, the chairman of the ABC, also said in an interview on this program not so long ago that one of the great fears the ABC has is of funding cuts. Obviously they think back to the beginning of the Howard government in '96 and '97 when 12.6 per cent of the ABC's operating budget was essentially cut by the government in a cost-cutting exercise. Would you be in a position to assure listeners, viewers that this won't happen again if the Coalition comes to government let's say at the end of this year?
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well what I can say to you is that we don't have any plans to cut the funding to the ABC.
TONY JONES: That you know of?
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well, that I know of, yes. It's unlikely that there would be plans to do that that I wouldn't know of, but that I know of, I'm not aware of any plans to cut funding to the ABC.
But having said that, let me just say this: government is under pressure - every department is under pressure and the ABC's management - and I believe they understand this - the ABC's management has to be aware that it has an obligation to its owners, the Australian people, to run this vast enterprise of the ABC as efficiently, as cost effectively as possible.
And I - look, I have a high regard for your chief executive, Mark Scott. I think he is very focused on getting more bang for the taxpayers' buck.
TONY JONES: You're talking about an economic argument, but of course what's often used against the ABC is a bias argument and some people maintain the ABC's budget should be cut because it has bias internally. "Group think" I think was one of the phrases used by a former ABC chairman.
MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well that is the - that's not a good reason to cut the budget. If the ABC is not being fair and balanced, then that is an issue that should be addressed by the ABC's management. ABC's - you know, there are plenty of arguments for cutting any government agency's budget. One is that if you've got to cut spending and everybody's got to bear some of the pain, so that's - there can be general across-the-board cuts.
I think the important challenge the ABC has is to ensure that its work practices reflect the enormous efficiencies that modern technology delivers. The fact is that every aspect of what this television network does, radio network does can be done much more efficiently because of modern technology, the latest technology.
If the ABC is more important than ever, Malcolm, then don’t you think it must reflect impartiality and balance as a matter of course, regardless of what the ABC’s Code of Practice states?  Don’t you think there should be conservatives in the front line, presenting  and/or directing programmes to ensure there IS balance?  You do know, don’t you, Malcolm, that there is not one conservative presenter or host on the ABC, other than perhaps, Amanda Vanstone who hosts and obscure Radio National programme – and who listens to RN?
I ask you this, Malcolm, can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me the ABC has maintained “the highest standards of balance, of integrity” ? The ABC does have a heavy responsibility to the taxpayer and quite frankly, it has failed to live up to that responsibility.
Malcolm, should you become Communications Minster later this year then I suggest one of your first missions should be to put the fire hose through the ABC starting with the Board and Managing Director, Mark Scott and work your way down to the cleaners.  The ABC needs a massive purge and in fairness to everyone, some belt-tightening.  If that cannot be achieved, then break Aunty up and put her up for sale. 
The Gillard Government’s recent $10 Million funding injection is clearly an exercise in pork-barrelling in an election year.  Blatant strategy to curry as much favour as it can. 
Taxpayers have had a gutful of having to fund a Green-Labor mouth piece year after year.  We know ABC Management has failed spectacularly to ensure the ABC is balanced and fair and you should be well aware of that, Malcolm.  Something must be done and I am expecting you to do it as a matter of priority.  Are you up to the challenge or will you roll over and let the ABC continue as is? 
The ABC has become a law unto itself with an apparent attitude that it needs only to satisfy the cravings of a small sector of inner-city self-analysed elites to the detriment of the wider population.   No wonder Aunty’s ratings have suffered.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Oh My Goodness, Dr. Karl!

I do declare you owe Andrew Bolt an apology as well as all your followers, don’t you think?

I blogged last December about Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki here.

Reblogged, in part from Andrew’s Blog.  Read the full post.

Doctor Karl Kruszelnicki presents science on the ABC. In 2007 he ran as a Senate candidate for the Climate Change Coalition.
So you expect him to know the very basic data about global warming. You expect him to make it his duty to at least know whether the planet is indeed warming, and if so by how much.
Then explain this exchange of tweets, which I am told Kruszelnicki deleted from his Twitter account. (They certainly aren’t there now.) 
Yes, I did write about these tweets in an update to my column yesterday, but the more I reflect on this the more I consider this a particularly egregious example of warmist know-nothingness. It is also a symbol of the giddy and irresponsible ignorance of so many of the noisier global warming prophets.
Dr Karl, debating the figures of Britain’s Met, asserts the world has warmed 0.3 degrees in 16 years - which still isn’t that much, actually.
But the Met’s figures, as tweeter Bill correctly informs him, actually show a warming just one-sixth of what Dr Karl claimed. That is so small that scientists say it’s statistically insignificant. It’s indistinguishable from background noise. Essentially zero.
As Andrew notes, if he had been so factually incorrect, he’s be hauled off to Re-education Camp via the Press Council.
Sometimes I do believe “group-think” can be very dangerous to the credibility of some public figures who follow the new religion of CAGW.

Dr. Karl makes frequent appearances on the balanced, unbiased ABC that tries to reject the accusation there is a group-think mentality within the public broadcaster.
Yesterday, we received news that the ABC would be receiving a $10 million funding increase to budget.  Some cynics may say that this is a typical example of ALP pork-barrelling.
Thanks to this massive injection of taxpayer funding, new senior appointments will be made.  One of them will be Jake Sturmer, Science & Technology.  I suggest we take note of this name and furnish Mr. Sturmer with appropriate correspondence whenever we see silly-billies running off at the mouth before they have had the chance to engage one of those fact-checkers the ABC appears on the cusp of utilizing. 
A fact-checker at the ABC would be something to behold!

Friday, 1 February 2013

An Intelligent View Of The Thomson Affair

Here is an excellent post from The Red And The Blue blog covering the saga of Craig Thomson and exploring the potential fallout for the Gillard Government should disgraced Member for Dobell be declared bankrupt before the possibility of a criminal conviction as a result of his arrest yesterday.  Both scenarios would force Thomson to depart Parliament.  One seems quite likely, sooner rather than later.  It's the matter of being declared a bankrupt.

I highly recommend this post.  It’s a good read.