Saturday, 4 May 2013

Media Watch - Paul Barry, Eh?

Who would have possibly guessed the ABC would appoint another lefty sympathiser to the role of host of Media Watch?

I think it’s a given over 50% of the voting public would count themselves as conservative.  Less than 40%, probably count themselves as of the Left.  That figure may be less.
With the recycling of Paul Barry as host of Media Watch, we can surmise ABC management has little or no respect for over 50% of Australians who may – or may not watch ABC television.

Many solid ABC supporters such as myself, have been driven away from the public broadcaster (we are required to sponsor) over the years because of obvious bias to the left, lack of balance, ongoing group-think and an appalling disregard for the views of over 50% of the population.

See Andrew Bolt’s articles here and here.

It is time to give the ABC Board members a good dressing down, I think.

The ABC Board

The duties of the Board are set out in section 8 of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 (the ABC Act)
The ABC Board is responsible for the ABC’s operations. The duty of the Board is to ensure that the functions of the Corporation are performed efficiently with maximum benefit to the people of Australia, and to maintain the independence and integrity of the Corporation. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that the gathering and presentation of news and information is accurate and impartial, according to recognised standards of journalism, and that the ABC complies with legislative and legal requirements.  (My bold)

The Board members are:  The Hon James Spigelman AC QC
                                           Mr. Steven Scala AO
                                           Mr. Mark Scott AO
                                           Dr. Julianne Schultz AM FAHA
                                           Ms Cheryl Bart AO
                                           Professor Fiona Stanley AC FAAS FASSA
                                           Ms Jane Bennett
                                           Simon Mordant AM

To contact the ABC Board (taken from the webiste)

To Contact the ABC Board:
ABC Secretariat
Board Executive Officer
Box 9994 GPO Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone (02) 8333 5312
Fax (02) 8333 5482

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