Saturday, 19 January 2013

Human Rights & Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012

Freedom of speech is something I hold very dear to my heart.  I will do pretty much anything to make sure Australians do not lose their right to voice or write their opinions.  I will not stand for Nanny Roxon, Nanny Gillard or any other member of that putrid ALP regime finger-wagging at me and hauling me before the courts because I want to say something.  Anything.

I am sure I probably offend or insult someone on a weekly basis – if not daily.  I don’t do it with malice.  I am simply exercising my right to an opinion that someone else may not agree with.  They don’t have to agree with me.  That’s why we are a democratic Australia.  We are about to lose our democracy under the dictatorship of these puerile Socialist clowns.

Remember it was this very same regime through the office of Senator 'Censorship' Conroy, Minister for Communications, blah, blah that was hellbent on subjecting Australians to a Mandatory Internet Filter which would have had the potential to constrict free speech in unspeakable ways and which we would have enjoyed paying for via our internet providers.  This ridiculous thought-bubble was dropped last year.

So, under this proposed legislation my political opinion may well offend some poor petal who will run off into the Human Rights & Anti-discrimination Office, screaming and waving their tiny little hands around and some big burly creature working for the though police will hunt me down and slap a writ onto me.  Well, that’s just fine and dandy, isn’t it?

What’s worse I am deemed guilty from the get-go and must prove my innocence.  Give me strength.  What has happened to this country?

Andrew Bolt’s court case last year was a test run, obviously.

Mr. Abbott and your Coalition team, what are you going to do about this garbage?  Let it slip through to the keeper or kick it to the kerb where it deserves to be.

I will be watching.

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