Saturday, 29 September 2012

Watching The Children Play A Game Called Politics

Repost from Andrew Bolt's Blog:
Nicola Roxon made a goose of herself in June, playing politics with a court case: 
The Federal Government has launched an attack on the sexual harassment case against embattled Speaker Peter Slipper, saying it is politically motivated.
Lawyers for the Commonwealth yesterday told a Federal Court that former staffer James Ashby, who is suing Mr Slipper for sexual harassment, colluded with another staffer, Karen Doane, to undermine Mr Slipper’s reputation and advance his political opponents…
They allege Mr Ashby gave information to former Howard minister Mal Brough and to News Limited journalist Steve Lewis.
Federal Attorney-General Nicola Roxon says it shows the case against Mr Slipper was politically motivated…
“It will be clearly shown and this will be argued in the court that there was in fact clear intention to harm Mr Slipper and bring his reputation into disrepute and to assist his political opponents and that was the purpose for the bringing of this claim,” she said.
So much for that conspiracy Roxon was going to prove: 
In a bombshell development, the federal government has settled its case with James Ashby, the aide to the stood-aside Speaker of the Parliament Peter Slipper, for $50,000 and a commitment to introduce training for all MPs and senators regarding sexual harassment.
The settlement between the commonwealth and Mr Ashby was reached on Thursday and detailed in a three-page letter of offer from the Australian Government Solicitor.
Mr Ashby’s lawyers, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, accepted the deal on his behalf. Mr Ashby had sued the commonwealth, alleging it had failed to provide a safe workplace.
Separately, Mr Ashby has sued Mr Slipper with allegations of sexual harassment, supported by records of lurid text messages sent by the Speaker to Mr Ashby.
Mr Ashby’s case against Mr Slipper continues and is listed for an interlocutory hearing at 10.15am on Tuesday. 

And doesn't Australia’s Socialist Government’s ineptitude show itself again with the case involving Australia’s Attorney General, Nicola Roxon.  In my opinion, Roxon is too inexperienced in Law to have been appointed to such an important position, given her comments made whilst matters were before the Court.

The political motivation behind this deplorable situation is not that of the Coalition, but that of this Federal Government and it’s disgraceful.

I hope James Ashby follows through with his threat to now sue the Commonwealth and Roxon for defamation and contempt of court.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Time To Abandon The UN

So  Muslim community leaders are about to lobby the United Nations to outlaw blasphemy now!  For heaven’s sake, where is this rubbish going to end?

“Human rights are not about protecting religions; human rights are to protect humans,” Radsch said. “Who is going to be the decision-maker on deciding what blasphemy is?”

Courtney C. Radsch - who is program manager for the Global Freedom of Expression Campaign is absolutely right of course and should we even be placing trust in the UN to get such a definition right?  I don’t believe so.

The UN should not get their grubby little fingers stuck into curtailing global free speech because some Muslims regularly like to over-excite themselves.  Where will it all stop if they are permitted to get away with dictating which religions should be protected and which should not?

For the record, I am an atheist and treat all religions with equal disdain!

Let’s take this a step further.  What has the UN successfully done to rein in Muslim killing sprees – particularly with regard to attacks upon those who follow religions other than Islam?

I’ve had a serious problem accepting the UN as a competent, balanced body. It is devoid of credibility, in my opinion.  Their track-record is pretty deplorable, when you think about it.

I believe Australia, along with other democracies who continue to fund the UN should seriously consider whether this is money well spent.  I deplore waste!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Feel Like A Bit Of A Riot?

I feel like inciting a bit of a riot.  It’s the flavour of the month in Australia right now.  So, let me think – what noble cause (among many that come quickly to mind) should I select?  Hmmm – how about a rally of the troops against the repugnant practice of female genital mutilation?  It’s an illegal practice in Australia.  I’ll SMS all my hot-blooded friends and give them the riot details; the place of congregation for said riot and we will let it rip!  I’m certain my neighbour and I could punch out enough placards with appropriately aggressive slogans such as “Snuff Female Genital Mutilating Curs”.  Sounds like a plan.

I was born in Australia.  My parents and grand parents were born in Australia.  I feel I have every right to riot in my own country!  I have not trucked my idiocies and religious fanaticism halfway round the globe to ungirth them upon the population of a country that offered me succour from an alleged persecution.

Why is it that peaceful countries such as Australia who extend a helping hand to people of the Islamic faith must suffer Neanderthal-like behaviour from these people when they or their parents take up residence here?  Why should I feel even the slightest pang of intimidation for even writing an essay such as this?  I think I’m being persecuted in my own country and I don’t appreciate it one bit.  Will I be heheaded for wishing to exercise my right to free speech in my own homeland?  Will I qualify for a fatwah to be bestowed upon my person?  Peace be upon the fatwah bestowers!  Will my home, local shopping centre or police complex be fire-bombed as a direct result of my words on this page?   Holy hell – I better not think about making a pathetically bad movie that may create the perfect atmosphere for obligitory offence-taking on behalf of some devoted followers of the wonderful and peaceful profit, Mohammed!  A movie that I know only too well would never be sanctioned by my Government in any way, shape or form.  For maybe the second time in my entire life, I feel sorry for the US Government.  On both occasions, my sorrow was initiated because of the actions of followers of the Islamic faith.

Now back to my proposed reason for a bit of a riot.  Female genital mutilation (FGM) has to be the most fundamentally insane and irrational thing men and, indeed, women  can do to a young female.  A tot or teenager.  As I said, the practice is illegal in Australia.  Recently, several people have been charged with offenses involving FGM.  One case in Sydney, the other in Perth.  These two cases would be the tip of the clitoris in my opinion.  I believe the barbaric and dangerous practice is likely to be quite a common occurrence in the back yards of Muslims across the country.  Remember back yard abortions back in the dark ages and the appalling clinical results of some of them?  FGM has to cease; nipped in the bud now and the heavy arm of Australian Law must come down hard upon anyone practicing FGM or any person aiding and abetting the practice of FGM, whether it occurs in this country or performed on Australian residents whilst visiting another country.

No doubt we must look forward to the prospect of girding our loins in anticipation of further civil disobedience from some sectors of the Muslim community over who knows what – but I’m sure some bright sparks will think of something.  Or, perhaps we should steel ourselves for something much worse.   The barbarians have entered the citadel and there is not a damned thing we can do about it now.  We cannot send the troublemakers packing.  Our relevant laws are far too namby-pamby to even mildly embrace a modicum of common sense.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Marine Taxi Service (the Australian version)

Asylum seekers rescued off Indonesia
Updated 3 hours 0 minutes ago

A boat of asylum seekers have been rescued off Indonesia and are being taken by a merchant ship to Christmas Island.

The boat was 45 nautical miles south of Java in the Sunda Strait and is believed to have been carrying about 180 people.

Full story here:

Another call went out yesterday for an Australian marine taxi service!  Why were they not returned to Indonesia?  They were, afterall, in Indonesian waters, were they not?

This matter of backdooring Australia's immigration laws is now beyond farcical.  It's obscene. I hold both the Rudd and Gillard Labor Government fully responsible for the appalling state of our border control.  Further, the current Labor Government should be held accountable.  They were the ones who dispensed with a solid working policy of offshore processing and Temporary Protection Visas.

Since this incompetent mob has been running the show, over 20,000 backdoorers (I understand) have entered Australia at the expense of desperate people waiting for years in refugee camps.

I am not against legal immigration, provided it is controlled.  I am, however, strongly against people who pay large amounts of money to criminals to get a seat on a boat headed for Christmas Island or other parts of Australian territory.  It's even more galling when these people deliberately dispense with identification papers obviously in their possession when they left their country of birth and travelled through other countries to reach Indonesia.  I am also very suspicious that credible and diligent investigation is not being applied to these 'stateless' people prior to their release into the community.

Australia, unfortunately, is changing.  To her detriment, in my opinion.  I have no faith in the current Government to do the right thing for all Australians.  I have no faith in the current Department of Immigration, nor have I faith in the current Minister for Immigration, Chris Bowen.  I contend people are being pushed through the revolving immigration door because it's expedient.  I suspect people are being given the all clear to enter our community when, in fact, the reverse should apply.  I also consider the burden on Australia's welfare system is becoming unsustainable.  Where are the checks and balances in relation to these recent arrivals with regard to whether or not they are rent-seeking or actually contributing to our society?  I would be interested to know the numbers of immigrants granted access to this country who are gainfully employed compared to those immigrants who are accepting welfare.  The figures would be worthy of some scrutiny.