Friday 28 December 2012

Freedom Of Speech In Australia Under Threat

This post is about western democracies and the threat to availability of what was once taken for granted.  In this case, freedom of expression.  Free speech, if you like.  It’s not just the right of citizens to free speech that is under threat from the Gillard Government in Australia, loss of this fundamental right seems to be going global. 

I have the utmost respect for ex radio broadcaster now brilliant blogger, Michael Smith.  My respect for this man grows every day.  He has an uncanny knack of bringing us all back to basics as he exposes the truth in an easily digestible format.  Michael Smith is an excellent communicator and clings on by his fingernails to the right to express himself, uncensored.  He is one small spark amid a rapidly decomposing mainstream media.  We rely on people like Michael to keep a steady hand on the tiller.

Please go here to read a recent post from Michael.  It’s important.

This is an issue I will be following up with the Coalition in the New Year.

The matter of our democratic right to free speech is very close to my heart.  I’ve had a gutful with the way commentators such as Andrew Bolt have been treated – and silenced due to ridiculous rulings via softcock Judges who feel they must pander to a minority viewpoint.  Stuff the majority view!  Their opinions don’t count a tinker’s cuss when socialist moral values have to be the main game and pushed accordingly.  Political correctness dominates.  It’s truly disgusting.

Australia’s Courts need a good hard look at themselves!   It’s long overdue.  

I’ve had a gutful with the way the Canberra Press Gallery and mainstream journalists prefer to remain mute rather than do some basic research on stories that may lead to copy that might possibly stand the chance of enraging the Red Queen, PM Julia Gillard or her 457 Visa holder, media advisor, John McTernan.  So we must accept without objection that Australia has a castrated Press.   Unfettered press freedom is not alive and well within Australia’s mainstream media.   So, let’s assume here and now that press truth,  press ethics and press freedom as it applies to most media arteries is buried in several meters of solid concrete.   An appalling and embarrassing state of affairs for a country that has thrived on democracy – until election of this current Socialist regime! 

I’ve had a gutful of the way we bloggers must tread ever-so-carefully in case we upset the sensitivities of Leftard fluffies and risk having our Blogs shuttered – or worse, face an inquisition of some sort.   You know the type of complainant, inner-urban dwellers with limited life experiences, influence in high places, perceived or actual and more often than not, latched firmly onto the public teat like a lamprey onto a shark. These are the people who tend to clog our Courts and agencies governing media with nasty and in the main, tedious cases or complaints filed under the wildly flapping banner of Political Correctness.  The lampreys need to make a political statement, you see – no matter how frivolous, inane, pointless.    Remember, we are living the Socialist sympathy dream right now.   A dream where only one school of thought is acceptable.  There are mindsets who are completely unable to comprehend there is a real, inhaling and exhaling world out there actually experienced in life that happens to see things in a different light to the fluffy little lampreys in their hand-knitted beanies and genuine sheepskin moccasins or nice – made in China – trendsetter sandals.  It’s the difference between a sheltered political workshop environment compared to a bit of genuine dirt on your hands.  The leftards don’t get that, however.

There are retreads who want some of us who dare think outside the square dead, please remember that!

I ask you – why should my right to free speech – and yours - be shackled?  Why should Andrew Bolt’s right to an opinion be dragged through the courts on spurious grounds, it has been alleged?  What civic/societal qualification is some goody-two-shoes assessed – and by whom – that bestows an authority to adjudicate over our current freedom to orally express or write an opinion?    Should  any of us who are free thinkers sit back quietly and watch our rights to express an opinion disappear?   Even more worrying – who is ultimately in charge of appointing these Thought Police?  Don’t tell me – I think I have already guessed the answer! 

Australia heads for the Polls sometime during 2013.  This is how it seems to me – and I hope I am wrong. 

We, the Australian people, will lose our right to free expression, oral or written, should we re-elect the Socialist Gillard Government

We, the Australian people, will forfeit our right to freely publish our thoughts online, if we re-elect the Socialist Gillard Government

We, the people of Australia  will be subject to censorship should we re-elect the Socialist Gillard government

The Australian people will be faced with a number of important electoral issues, least of which is just how much value we place on our right to freedom of expression; free speech.  We must cast our vote carefully.

And before we march off to the Polls, we need to know how seriously the Coalition regards our right to free speech, freedom of thought and expression.

Michael has pointed out the Coalition’s apparent spinelessness on this issue as has John Roskam from the Institute of Public Affairs who has written a heartfelt letter to the Coalition on the subject.

Under the Gillard Government, this country has lost its dignity. 

One sure-fired way to control your people is to remove their voice!  That’s exactly what this vile Socialist regime plans to do.

When Australians are being governed by people who apparently have the moral turpitude equivalent to that held by the Mafia of old – or the current Taliban, we really need to worry.

Tony Abbott et al – this is not good enough!  You must do something now and be seen to be doing something! This Gillard/ALP/Censorship rubbish legislation must be challenged and discarded accordingly.  Most of the voting public possess a functioning brain.  They will be watching how the Coalition shapes up to the issue of of an overt attempt by the Gillard Government to stifle free speech and impose censorship. 

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